Description: PLC, FX3U Base Unit AC 100-240 V: 8 inputs DC 24 V; 8 transistor outputs
Features of Mitsubishi PLC Base Unit Module FX3U-16MT/ESS
Three memory cassettes that can be installed into the FX3U CPU, and when installed the memory cassetteïs internal program is used in place of the internal RAM memory. The FX3U-FLROM-64L (stock no. 539-0853) features program transfer buttons to allow permanent overwriting of the RAM based-program. FX3U battery ï this battery buffers the internal RAM memory of the FX3U in the event of a power supply failure. FX3U-USB-AW converts USB interface to RS422 to allowing direct programming of FX3U PLCs using a PCïs USB port with either GX Developer or GX IEC Developer programming software.
Flash ROM modules in 16kB and 64kB sizes with a program loader version of the 64k to allow program transfer to/from PLCïs.